FIFA 23 Icon Swaps

Icon Swaps in FIFA game

Icon Swaps are anticipated to be launched in FIFA 23 Ultimate Team by EA Sports on December 14, 2022, and will be accessible as a series throughout the season.

ICON Swaps in FIFA Ultimate Team are a means to access certain Icons (Base, Mid, and Prime Icon Players) in exchange for Player Tokens, which you may acquire by completing objectives that you swap. This method needs you to earn Icon Swap Tokens by completing Objectives and then redeeming them for your favorite ICONs.

Each Icon Swap involves the completion of certain unique tokens. To obtain tokens, you must achieve several tasks, which can then be redeemed for an Icon card.

Icon Swaps on FIFA 23 will be offered in three series:

  • Icon Swaps 1 – Dec 2022
  • Icon Swaps 2 – Feb 2023
  • Icon Swaps 3 – Apr 2023

What is FIFA 23 Icon Swap?

FIFA 23 Icon Swaps is a process that allows you to obtain certain legend or icon players and FUT bundles in exchange for player tokens.

How do I get FIFA 23 Icon Swaps?

To acquire FIFA 23 Icon Swaps, you must complete certain goals in the game which earns you a token. You can use the token earned to get FIFA 23 Icon Swaps.

How many Icon Swaps for FIFA 23 are there?

The FIFA 23 Icon Swaps come in three sets. Up to 18 tokens can be earned in each one.

How do Icon Swaps in FIFA 23 Work Exactly?

First, Electronic Arts makes available a limited-time set of Icon Swaps. They first distribute nine tokens via various goals. A few weeks later, new goals are put in place of existing ones, releasing nine more tokens.

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