The FM 24 mobile game is not as enjoyable as it should be for many players.
This is because the Football Manager 2024 mobile version doesn’t officially come with all players with real faces.
We have researched and found the FM24 mobile facepack that will make you see all player faces when you play the game on your mobile device.
For those who are curious, we can confirm that the pack is compatible with Android versions 13 or higher.
All you need to do is download and import.
How to Install FM24 Mobile Facepack on Your Mobile Devices
- Disable Files by Google and install the Files app.
- Copy the face pack files to the device’s Android folder.
- Open the Files app and ‘drag’ the files to the data folder manually without using move options. Scroll locking is prevented.
- Navigate to > files > application_support > sports interactive > Football Manager 2024 Mobile and create a graphics folder.
- Rename the folder to zzzz to move it down the list.
- Drag the facepack files into zzzz > files > application_support > sports interactive > Football Manager 2024 Mobile > graphics.
- Rename zzzz back to the original name.
- Clear the app cache and reload skins in-game.
Video Guide to Install FM 24 Mobile Facepack
Views: 90
Please I don’t understand point 1-3,I have tried but I can’t do it exactly as you said
Can you make a video/is the a video for the installation?
We have added two video guides for the installation of FM24 Mobile Facepack. Please watch them. And let us know if you find them helpful.
I followed the same step but it’s not working,does it work on android 10?because my phone version is 10,2GB ram with a free phone storage of 6GB ROM
Is it compatible?
But when I followed the same strategy on the logo pack it work
Please, which video guide did you use? the first? or the second?