FM24 Skin Showdown: Say Goodbye to Default Skins, Explore the Best FM24 Skins

Football Manager Skins
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  • Post category:Download / Football Manager
  • Post last modified:September 24, 2024
  • Reading time:43 mins read

FM24 skins are themes that change the gameplay layout, color scheme, and graphics in Football Manager 2024.

Gamers have the freedom to install any FM 24 skins they love or that they just wish to try out.

On this page, we have some FM 24 skins open for free download.

Below are all the general features FM24 skin has:

  • Enhanced Player Profile Pages: In SAS24 skin, everything about a player is displayed on a single page.
  • Stats Plus Panel: Skin provides a tool that allows you to compare players’ performances.
  • Team and Squad Pages: There is also a facelift which reduces the need for endless clicks to access critical information about the squad.
  • Improved Scouting: On every skin, the scouting inbox gets more columns, plus you can add custom columns.

Vincechup FM24 Skin

Vincechup fm24 skin
Vincechup fm24 skin layout

Priisek Retro Beta FM24 Skin

NARIGON Skin Beta Free FM24 SKIN

Wannachup Instant Result BETA FM24 Skin

Wannachup Instant Result BETA fm24 skin
Wannachup Instant Result BETA fm24 skin layout

Just Skin 24 BETA FM24 Skin

The Just Skin 24 BETA FM24 Skin is a theme of dark skin with blends of blues and purples.

FLUT FM24 Skin Beta

The FLUT Beta FM24 skin is a dark-skinned theme for Football Manager 2024’s career mode.

FLUT fm24 skin layout
FLUT fm24 skin layout

WTCS Gold FM24 Skin Beta

The WTCS Gold skin is a theme that contains the popular TCS Club and Player screens and the skin is designed by TCSSkin and WorkTheSpace (WTCS).

Gold Dark Roger FM24 Skin V1

The Gold Dark Roger FM24 Skin V1 is a golden or yellow darkish theme designed by Red Joker Indonesia.

Stato FM24 Skin

The Stato FM24 Skin features a dark purple color mixed with whitening elements.

OPZ Elite 2024 Series FM24 Skin

The new OPZ Elite 2024 FM24 skin is a theme that adapts the primary color of your club chosen into the career mode’s interface.

FM.Zweierkette Beta FM24 Skin v24.0.2

FM.Zweierkette Beta FM24 skin is a dark-coloured skin dark and, paired with the colours and features of the original FM.Zweierkette.

4-in-1 FM24 Base Skin(s)

The 4-in-1 FM24 Base Skin is a compilation of four different versions of the default FM24 skin. This FM24 skin contains four versions of the default FM24 skin: regular, lite, transparent, and advanced. After downloading the 4-in-1 FM24 base skin file, you will have four folders (based on the four versions) to choose from.

  • FM24 Base Skin: This is the regular base skin in FM24.
  • FM 24 Base Skin Transparent: This is the regular base skin with a transparent background.
  • FM24 Base Skin Lite: This version contains everything that is needed for a skin, including folders and configuration files
  • FM24 Base Skin Advanced: This version contains all skin colours, properties, and class files. 

Jimbo Skin BETA V3.0

The Jimbo Skin is an enhanced version of the default FM24 Skin based on the Kojuro Skin.

Material Skin 2.0.24 (Beta) V1.01

Material Skin 2.0.24 is based on default dark skin with panels and colors customized for 1920×1080 screen resolution by budwaiser4.

Priisek Green FM24 Skin v31.10.23

Priisek Green FM24 Skin is a base skin alternative with a green pitch background by Priisek.

Dark Polish FM24 Skin v1.05

Dark Polish is a skin that looks consistent in its gray shades and is designed by Ceyvol to be low-resolution friendly.

Kojuro FM24 Skin v6.0

Kojuro FM24 Skin is an alternative skin with a purple and dark UI display created by Kojuro.

JMFM FM 24 Skin

The JMFM FM 24 skin is the FM Base skin with just two additions, Instant Result Button and Stadium Pictures.

stadium pic0804c5166aaf92f1

Statman FM24 Skin v1.2

The Statman FM24 Skin v1.2 is an FM Base skin that creates a seamless interface for accessing statistical analysis and design in FM 24.

FM24 Vince Skin

FM24 Vince Skin is a skin with 1920×1080 and low-resolution versions.

Rensie Dark FM24 Skin

Rensie Dark FM24 Skin is produced by Keysi, who recently updated it with edits to player profiles, staff profiles, club profiles, match screens, pop-up profiles for players and staff, and many more things, such as player faces in tactics.

FusionDB FM24 Skin

FusionDB FM24 Skin Skin is a dark skin with warm, soft colours, such as orange, ochre and yellow that stand out against an anthracite background without straining the eyes, for example, during the long playing sessions in the game.

Cheetah FM24 Skin v1.0

Cheetah FM24 Skin is black-themed skin with cursive calligraphy or writing.

Andromeda FM 24 Skin

Andromeda Dark Skin FM 24 is a theme that adds flexible background selection, custom panels, and tweaks.

Mixed Skin 2024 v2

Mixed Skin 2024 v2 is a transparent skin made by Byvirus who is not a coder but a football manager fan who combined and edited the panels.

Electric Panther FM24 Skin

The Electric Panther FM24 Skin is an easy-on-the-eyes skin with a neon effect UI/UX display.

Trung FM24 Skin v1.0

Trung FM24 Skin is an iced/snow-like theme that features an updated player overview pop-up panel, fixed game processing panel, scouting center report card, transfer offer player panel, and more at 1366×768 resolution.

LIVID 24 FM24 Skin v1.0

Livid 24 FM24 Skin is a dark-themed skin with elegant, with redesigned panels in Home, Club, Player, Non-player page, and more.

SAS24: Best FM24 Skin

SAS24 is a skin for Football Manager 2024, created by Sasmaz SJ. This was the most downloaded skin for Football Manager 2023 and an upgraded version of the same has returned for the FM2024 season.

SAS24 Skin In-game Features

The SAS24 skin isn’t just about aesthetics; it offers practical in-game features such as:

  • Media Handling: Media handling styles are now displayed on player profiles. This feature can provide hints about a player’s hidden attributes, such as professionalism, which can be valuable for scouting.
  • Transfer History: The transfer history screen has replaced circular graphics with bars, giving you a more accurate representation of transfer spending and other vital information.
  • Match Instant Result: If you’re in a hurry or just not in the mood for a full match, the instant result feature provides more customizable match stats, giving you context beyond the final score.
  • Touchline Tablet: The revamped touchline tablet offers a wealth of information, including home and away team pages, analysis, team stats, and a passing map. It’s an indispensable tool for in-game decision-making.
  • Player Analysis: The skin introduces a unique positional stats feature that offers insights into a player’s strengths and weaknesses based on their attributes. You can customize the statistics to match your preferences and better understand your players’ suitability for various roles.
  • Footedness Display: You can now see the footedness of players on the tactical screen, simplifying squad selection based on player characteristics.
  • Bookmarks Page: The FM24 skin allows you to create custom menus for quick navigation, a feature that streamlines your gaming experience.
  • Player Screen Customization: The ability to customize player screens with key attributes based on their positions allows for more detailed analysis and scouting.
  • Match Plan Pages: There are enhanced match plan pages that offer more customization options, allowing you to tailor your approach to each match.

Installation Process

  1. Download the Skin: Download the SAS24 skin via the download button which is rooted to a MediaFire folder.
  2. Choose Your Version: There are four different skin options available, but the primary one is “s24 FMF.” There’s also a version optimized for laptops and two variants related to hidden attributes (only functional with the in-game editor, not yet available).
  3. Install It: Place the downloaded skin in the following directory: My Documents > Sports Interactive > Football Manager 2024 > Skins. If the “Skins” folder doesn’t exist, simply create it.
  4. Select the Skin: Launch FM, go to Preferences, and type “skin” into the search bar. Select “SAS 24” and confirm your choice. You’re all set!

Guides On FM24 Skins

How Can I Install Custom Skins Football Manager 2024 Skins on Mac?
  1. Download the FM 24 skin you want from a trusted source.
  2. Locate and open the FM 24 skin or “skins” folder on your device. (For easy tracking, open the file folder through the browser’s “download” tab or section.
  3. Extract the downloaded skin file (if it’s in a compressed format like .zip or .rar).
  4. Search for “skins” in FM24 folder and move the extracted file into the folder that pops up.
  5. Launch Football Manager 2024.
  6. Go to “Preferences” > “Interface.”
  7. Select the skin from the drop-down menu that shows.
  8. Confirm and restart the game for the changes to take effect.
  9. Tick the box that says “reload skin when confirming changes” and “delete your cache”

Ensure you copy the folder into your skins folder within your User Data Location. By default, this should be: For Windows:
C:\Users\[Your Windows Username]\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2024\

I Am Having Issues Using Skins on my Mac Any Fix?

You need to know skins compatible with FM23 on Mac do not work on FM24. You need to download new skins released solely for FM24 before they can work on Mac.

What Should I Do If I Have Further Issues or Questions About FM24?

In the future, if you have additional questions or face more issues, post them on the Football Manager subreddit or the official Football Manager community forum.

Subsequently, after the full release of FM24 on November 6th, 2023, many more skins will be available for use. As they are released from time to time, we will ensure they are all available here for you to download — in one click.

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