eFootball 2024: How to Train Your Players’ Stats (Across All Positions)

Performing a Training Session in eFootball 2024
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  • Post category:Guides / eFootball 24
  • Post last modified:October 19, 2023
  • Reading time:8 mins read

Training players effectively in eFootball 2024 can make a massive difference in your performance.

As far as player stats are concerned, different playstyles can lead to personal preferences, but we will list the most important stats when training players for all positions on eFootball 2024.

Goalkeeper (GK)

When it comes to GKs, height and reflexes are very important.

Taller goalkeepers have a clear advantage in this game.

For example, Courtois is tall and has a high reflex ability — even in his base version.

In situations where you buy or have a goalkeeper who isn’t that tall, ensure you train his reflex and jump attributes seriously.

Center Back (CB)

For CBs, defensive awareness, speed, height, defensive stats, and jumping ability, must all be trained.

Defensive awareness might be the most important stat for a CB.

This attribute helps them to always position themselves perfectly, providing a solid defense.

Speed attribute too is now more important than ever, as slow players are less effective in certain roles.

Moreso, don’t forget that the height attribute is also important but can be taken as secondary.

Left Back (LB), Left Midfielder (LMF), Right Back (RB), Right Midfielder (RMF)

Stamina and speed are key stats, although your playstyle can influence your choices.

You can turn an LB or RB into a winger or an LMF/RMF into a defender based on your chosen tactics.

Stamina and speed are usually the best bets, but you might also need some defensive stats, lofted passing, or even a little training on finishing abilities.

Defensive Midfielder (DMF)

A DMF is similar to a CB but usually requires less speed and can be shorter.

However, speed, height, and jumping ability can be valuable additions.

But, mainly, defensive stats and defensive awareness should be your priority here.

Central Midfielder (CMF) / Attacking Midfielder (AMF)

These positions can vary significantly.

You can use both (especially an AMF) as an additional CF during counterattacks, starting behind the attackers, or (a CMF) as an additional DMF.

Generally, you’ll need at least 90 stamina, and a CMF should be faster than an AMF.

Left Wing Forward (LWF) / Right Wing Forward (RWF)

LWF and RWF are akin to CF/SS but usually start wider. Therefore, offensive awareness is slightly less critical for them.

However, if you play with an RWF and LWF without a CF/SS, they will act as two CF/SS, making offensive awareness more important.

Typically, what you should look out to train for players in this position are balance, speed, finishing, offensive awareness, dribbling, and kicking power.

Center Forward (CF) / Second Striker (SS)

For CF and SS, offensive awareness, balance, finishing, speed, kicking power, and dribbling are critical. While their playstyles can differ, their primary role is scoring goals.

How to Train Your Players

Before training, the first thing you need to know is how the points you’re going to give your players in training work.

  1. Up to 4 points: Use one progression point
  2. From 5 to 8 points: Use two progression point
  3. From 9 to 12 points: Use three progression point
  4. From 13 to 16 points: Use four progression points.

Using 5 progression points from 17 to 20 points will cost more than giving the first 4 points in other stats, so don’t give more than 16 points.

Let’s continue by training a player, say Liverpool R’s H. Elliott

Elliott is an AMF but he’s so fast, so we will play him as CF/SS.

As we mentioned earlier, offensive awareness, balance, finishing, speed, kicking power, and dribbling are the best attributes that should be trained for a CF/SS.

So let’s assume. We have a lot of points today.

Thus, we can start by awarding him 8 points in terms of shooting, dexterity, and lower body strength, and 4 points in terms of dribbling.

As of now, his balance isn’t that bad, but he needs to be more offensive-aware to be a CF.

Thus, we’ll add 4 more points to his Dexterity.

Depending on whether you want him faster or with more finishing, choose one of those and give him 2 more points.

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