Man of the Match (MOTM) Game: Explanation of All Basics

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  • Post author:
  • Post category:Explainer / MOTM
  • Post last modified:September 13, 2023
  • Reading time:6 mins read

For too long, football games, such as FIFA, and eFootball, have treated players like wallets, focusing their game modes on pay-to-win mechanics. Man of the Match (MOTM) seeks to change that, by doing the opposite.

In this article, we’ll break down the basics of MOTM, what the game is, the gameplay, and more. Let’s explore this game together. Shall we?

What is Man of the Match (MOTM)?

The Man of the match (MOTM) cover

Man of the Match (MOTM) is a football video game where you play with your own face for free and earn real money through in-game achievements in various leagues.

Players must be over 18 years to participate in the leagues on MOTM, which is for consoles and PCs.

The winner or champion of the top league will receive the largest prize. Also, the rest of the players down to the last position in the lowest league will receive rewards in real money.

Two Roles in Man of the Match (MOTM)

In MOTM, you can participate in two main roles: either as a player or as a manager.

Playing as a Player

A player celebrating on Man of the Match game.

In MOTM, you have the opportunity to play as a player, and it all starts with creating your very own avatar or face.

You can use your mobile device can scan your face, and then embed it into the MOTM game which will capture every detail including wrinkles. This means you can feature your physical appearance and compete with other “real” players in the virtual football world. Take, for example, an 11 vs. 11 multiplayer game where everyone plays as themselves.

After creating your avatar, you will be prompted to make career-changing choices that affect your growth and path to stardom.

Playing as a Manager

In MOTM, you can also play as a manager where you act as a true tactics expert who will also be playing as themselves (that is, with your real face). As a manager, you can make critical decisions about what happens during matches and off the match.

These off-field activities include aspects beyond just upgrading the stadium or setting ticket prices. You can participate in minor roles such as a commentator, journalist, or even scout.

MOTM League System

As you must have gradually discovered, the MOTM universe works just like real-world football football leagues.

In MOTM, leagues are based on continents. Each continent contains numerous countries. Each country has its own national teams and various football leagues where local clubs play (hierarchically).

In the MOTM league system, you won’t get to face randomly generated AI opponents. Instead, you’ll know in advance who you’ll be facing by fixture.

For example, just like in real football leagues, you know you have a match every Wednesday Saturday and Sunday, the same also applies in MOTM.

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