FIFA 23: Download, Install, and Start Playing Today on PC for Free (Repack Guide)

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  • Post category:FIFA 23
  • Post last modified:October 23, 2024
  • Reading time:11 mins read

The FIFA 23 video game is published by EA Sports.

EA Sports developed this 30th FIFA installment, and it is the last FIFA installment under the FIFA banner.

The game was released worldwide on 30 September 2022 for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5, Windows, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

The Evolution of FIFA Gaming

Key Features of FIFA 23


Ronaldo Shoots a Power Shot in FIFA 23

This a new skill-based, risk-versus-reward shooting mechanic that creates space away from defenders to trigger a powerful shot.


This gives players better control over free kicks, penalties, and corners to choose the direction, trajectory, and curl of the ball better.


A more natural and realistic on-pitch interaction.


FIFA 23 Oblak saves

This enables players to limb naturally. E.g. when defenders block a powerful driven ball, he feels the pain and then hops due to the pain for some seconds (This feature is only on PlayStation®5, Xbox Series X|S, Stadia, and PC).


New net physics reacts to the motion of players, responding to individual limbs and creating more natural interactions with the net as players run, slide, or fall into the goal.


Players are better aware on the pitch of how to intelligently avoid tackles and collisions.


There are new shot trajectories such as low, dipping, and bouncing shots alongside diving headers.


Defenders can do hard clearance slides, physical, and even backheel tackles.


This entails new passing types with outside foot, fancy off-the-back passes, volley passes, and new clearance animations.


AI opponents react better to tactics and tactical changes on-pitch.

FIFA 23 Trailer

Game Modes in FIFA 23

System Requirements for FIFA 23 on PCs and Laptops

Step-by-Step FIFA 23 Download and Installation Guide

How To Download

The FIFA 23 download repack size is 39.1 GB.

Click on any of the drive links. When the drive page opens, ensure you download each file there, one after the other (not all at once).

Free FIFA 23 Download Links 1

Free FIFA 23 Download Links 2

Installation Process

The installation of this FIFA 23 Repack takes approximately 5-20 minutes.

The HDD space needed after installation is up to 65 GB.

There should be a minimum of 2 GB RAM in whichever system the repack is installed in.

To change commentary language after installation, copy “anadius.cfg” from a corresponding subfolder of the “_Commentaries Switcher” folder to the game root.

After you run the game with “Launcher.exe”, click on “Run game” inside that window.

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